Author: Bob Mallard
Publisher: Stonefly Press, Jun 2014
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 1-939226-03-1
The best fly fishing in the northeast! Includes detailed GIS maps highlighting each body of water, with access roads and points. Also includes suggestions for gear, lodging, and dining for each location, recommended flies, 200+ color photos; 8.5x11 inches.
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This is where it all began in the States! From the owner and operator of the Kennebec River Outfitters, this where-to guide highlights the best fly-fishing destinations in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, with each chapter contributed by the author, an expert outfitter, or guide for the featured water. And it's not all trout destinations (though there are plenty), covering multiple species from brookies and browns to smallmouth, steelhead and salmon to saltwater stripers (think Montauk!)