
Fly Fishing Trout Fly
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On Sale - Clearance
Chocklett's Body Wrap

Fl Fuchsia$6.44

You'll make your Game Changers more efficiently with Chocklett's Body Wrap. Designed especially for Blane Chocklett's aptly named articulated fly, this soft material is bound on both edges -- cut one edge away at any length or angle you need, and wind it onto your Game Changer's segments in close touching turns. (The left over trimmed piece is useable for another segment or fly.) Comes in a full spectrum of great fishing colors. 2 yards per package

MFG# Color
CBW11 Black
CBW40 Brown
CBW54 Chartreuse
CBW131 Fl Fuchsia
CBW138 Fl Pink
CBW263 Olive
CBW271 Orange
CBW369 Tan
CBW374 UV White
CBW383 Yellow


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